League City Baby Photographer

League City Baby Photographer

And here she is! Ellis is six months old – and so full of personality! If you missed it, check the previous post for her adorable 4thof July themed newborn and family session! This gorgeous girl has grown so much since I last saw her. She transformed from a sleepy little snuggle bug into a bright-eyed wiggle worm! The six-month milestone is one of my favorites because they’re so interactive and curious, wanting to explore anything they can get their hands on. The toothy grins are my absolute favorite!

For baby Ellis’ milestone sessions, Mom requested that I come to their gorgeous home in League City and photograph their family in their "natural environment.” Lifestyle sessions are some of my favorites because I can really capture the full personalities of each member and the sweet candid moments of everyday life together. We really did it up, and I had so much fun being a fly on the wall as they did their thing, which meant lots of smiles and tickles on Mom and Dad's bed, an extra bubbly bath with popsicles, strawberries for snack time, and some naked baby fun in Ellis' nursery! Not to mention that her outfits were cute as can be! Look at Ellis’ beautiful velvet headband and floral PJs along with her older brother’s cute striped jammies!

No matter what fun activity was next (or what mess was being cleaned up), there was SO MUCH LOVE in this house. I truly feel like this session was pure magic, and I hope other families will want to do in-home lifestyle baby sessions more often! The love and priceless moments together far outshine any imperfections you might see when you look at the house. (I get it, I’m a mom, too. But trust me on this!)

Happy six months baby Ellis! So much love to you all!

Kollins Newborn Portraits

Kollins Newborn Portraits

This little cutie patootie put on an endless show of priceless expressions for me to capture – both awake and asleep! What a fun baby girl’s newborn session at the studio!

I've known this family for many years, and it was so great to reunite with them again. I grew up with her sister (we were cheerleaders together in high school), and we’ve all kept in touch some over the years. When she contacted me to let me know she wanted me to photograph her new baby girl's newborn photos, I was so ecstatic! I couldn’t wait to catch up and reminisce a little.

They came to my Pearland studio and were amazed at the number of props, headbands, wraps, and beautiful things I had in my studio collection for newborn sessions. (To be honest, I’m such a sucker for those things, and my collection just keeps growing!) After learning her style and how she has the nursery decorated, I kept the session very sweet and girly, with lots of pinks and floral details. Some photos are bright and cheerful with lots of bright pink, teal, and peach, while others are softer with blush-colored hues. Her baby girl is so gorgeous a looked so sweet in whatever set we put her in.

Check out her adorable faces below! She squinted, puckered, smiled, and snoozed. She even gave us a glimpse of her big beautiful eyes. Big brother was super sweet and very proud of his new sister. Some of their photos together are my favorites, and I have a feeling they’re Mom and Dad’s favorites, too – what a joy it is to watch sibling relationships bloom! I can already tell he is going to be the best big brother – and she will be very protected as she grows up!

I’m was so excited (and honored!) that they chose to book a baby plan, so I got to see them every few months for their baby girl's milestone photos. She is so beautiful and still so full of smiles! Check back in to watch her grow!

Hatfield Family Pregnancy Announcement Photos

Hatfield Family Pregnancy Announcement Photos

The first couple months of pregnancy come with a certain unique type of excitement. The expecting couple knows their little secret, but the rest of the world is completely unaware. Sometimes it’s kind of fun having big news that no one knows about, but at the same time, the couple is just counting down the days until they can announce it to the everyone! (I once had a client who shared the news with unsuspecting strangers while running errands around town because he just could not contain his excitement about their pregnancy, and he wasn’t allowed to share with family and friends yet – adorable! ) Bringing a tiny human into the world is no small thing!

The Hatfields are new clients, and they booked me so they could announce their pregnancy to their family and friends in a fun way! We shot this in my favorite field just south of Houston. I love this area because it feels so peaceful and quiet. The hanging moss makes the trees appear so enchanting as it blows in the breeze – a perfect backdrop for this sweet couple to savor this experience together.

They brought along a cute letter board and balloons to the session, so we had some options to share their exciting news. I love that they incorporated the sunshine yellow into their session. It really popped against the darker natural colors of the field and trees for bright and lively photos.

This is their first baby so it was a very exciting & special time for them! They ended up booking a baby plan so I had the honor of photographing their maternity and newborn session a few months later. Their little man had the best lips I have ever photographed on a newborn, so I'll be sure to share those in a later blog post! Stay tuned for this sweet story.

League City Newborn Portraits

League City Newborn Portraits

I've known this awesome family for many years as they are not only former clients but good friends! They truly are some of the nicest and most welcoming people you will ever meet. They were blessed with two handsome boys for their first two babies...so when baby #3 came along, and they found out it was a sweet baby girl, there was tons of excitement!

I was so grateful they trusted me with photographing baby Ellis’ newborn session, and mom and I worked hard to coordinate ideas and plans for her session. She was born right around July 4th so we made sure to incorporate that theme into a couple of her photos. They wanted classic yet unique photos, and I’m in love with how they came out – so perfect to show off all of little Ellis’ beautiful features. We also did lots of lovely pinks, pastels, and lace. She looked like a little doll snoozing away in her basket, and my heart melted when she showed off a sleepy little smile – a rare thing at a newborn shoot!

Ellis’ big brothers were so proud of their new baby sister, and their beaming adoration made from some seriously adorable sibling photos. Both handsome boys have such striking eyes, and the photo of the three of them together was pure perfection. I can’t wait to watch their sibling relationships develop over the years. This is one protected and loved little girl! They’ll be off like the Three Musketeers in no time. Have I mentioned how much I loved this family?!

Crazy enough, it has already been a year since this newborn session. They booked a Baby Plan, so I got to watch Ellis grow up this year, and it was such an honor and joy! She is a gorgeous baby girl with such a fun personality – she will keep those big brothers of her on their toes for sure!

Natural Light Houston Maternity and Family Photography | Konen Family

Natural Light Houston Maternity and Family Photography | Konen Family

Outdoor sessions are my favorite, especially when the weather is perfect. The fresh air and natural scenery just have a way of helping people relax and be themselves. On this particular evening with the Konen Family, we couldn’t have asked for a prettier day. A light breeze blew through the tall green grass, and we had the space all to ourselves as we explored our little area of the park.

The Konen’s are expecting their second little one…and it's a boy! I had the pleasure of photographing their daughter’s newborn session a few years ago so I've got to watch their family grow! This is definitely one of my favorite parts of my job! How much fun it will be to watch this brother and sister grow. After photographing so many families, I’ve noticed that brothers and sisters have such a sweet, unique bond. It’s funny to watch them play with trucks and tutus interchangeably, and it’s fun for the parents to watch their kiddos' own unique personalities develop, too. I’m so excited for them to meet their little man!

We shot these in League City at a park that offered a boardwalk surrounded nature and gorgeous evening light. Their little girl was adorable and full of personality. I’m so glad they brought her along, too, to capture this sweet transition and growth in their lives as a whole family. She is a hoot and her cute expressions and antics made for some adorable family images – lots of laughs caught on camera! I love the photos of her kissing Mom’s tummy and the two of them dancing on the path. She’s still pretty young, but I think she’s warming up to the idea of having a baby brother. I can tell already that they are going to have so much fun together, and he will have a hard time keeping up with his energetic sister! Check out their adorable maternity and family photos below!

Galveston Beach Maternity Session | H Family

Galveston Beach Maternity Session | H Family

Oh, what a glorious evening for this dreamy sunset maternity shoot. Who says you can’t get some stunning beach shots in Texas?! This was as peaceful as it gets.

This glowing mama-to-be is one of the most outstanding baby planners I know. She provides supportive and knowledgeable maternity consulting for families who are expecting. I hope she has had just as much support from family and friends throughout her pregnancy as she gives to others.

This is their first baby, and I was honored to photograph their announcement photo a few months earlier. Both of them are so easy-going and fun to work with. This beautiful couple is so in love as they eagerly wait for their little one to arrive, and we thought a beach session would match their personality perfectly. Plus, it served as a relaxing getaway for the two of them to spend some quality alone time together. I am so in love with this peaceful maternity shoot!

This beach was GORGEOUS, especially on this particular evening, and made for some magical maternity images. The waves lapped gently on the shore as layers of pastel blue, pink, and purple painted a marvelous sunset behind them. She wore an elegant dusty blue lace dress that really made her dark hair and beautiful features pop. Then, as it got darker, she switched to a flowing white gown that accentuated her bump perfectly. I love the bright white against the setting sun – it really highlighted the two of them and her growing bump.

I could not be more excited for this lovely couple.They will be the most wonderful parents to their little one, and I can wait to meet their bundle of joy in just a few short months.

Ready for your own relaxing maternity shoot to capture this exciting time as your family grows? Let’s get in touch!

Houston Newborn Photographer | Sweet Savannah

Houston Newborn Photographer | Sweet Savannah

This little beauty is the queen of sleepy smiles! Normally, it’s pretty hard to catch one of those rare moments, but baby Savannah gave us several. She absolutely lit up the room with joy and what a pleasure it was to have her family in the studio.

The Matheson Family is new to the Houston area, so I was honored they chose me to be their newborn photographer. This is their first baby, and with all the transitioning between moves and having a baby, she was a little bit "older" in terms of newborns when she came in for her session.

I typically recommend scheduling newborn sessions within the first two to three weeks when babies are still in their sleepy, easy-to-pose phase.  Savannah was closer to four weeks but she was still a dream to work with. She didn’t have any trouble snoozing her way through the swaddled egg and froggy poses – she was just adorable. This proves that even older newborns can be photographed. Some poses need to be adjusted as the baby grows, but beautiful images of your baby can be done at any age and I would never want a family to miss out because they missed “The Window”! After all, life happens and babies create their own schedules.

For this lovely session, Mom and Dad wanted to keep it simple and classic yet distinctly feminine. We used lots of dusty rose, mauve, pastel peach, and subtle floral prints so that her beautiful complexion and tiny features really stood out as the focus of the pictures. I loved the soft sets they chose. She looked so sweet and snuggly there as she slept with her little teddy bear. I’m not going to lie, the hardest part of being a newborn photographer is resisting the urge to snuggle those little cuties!

Welcome home, little one! What a joy is was to photograph this sweet princess.

Baby Giles Newborn Photography Session

This was our last session of 2018 and, coincidentally, scheduled it on the client's wedding anniversary. We all thought it was so neat! This is their first baby, so these sessions are held so dearly.

Have I mentioned how much I love doing boys’ sessions?  Most people think that little girls have more options (which may be some truth in that) but can we just stop and say that little boys steal so many hearts… usually for their whole lives?!  And being able to document that thud of a family’s heartbeat brings so much joy to me.  Jenna and I decided to stick with mostly neutrals for this session and decided to have fun with some prints for hat selections.  Mom and dad also loved this session, so I feel that we hit it out of the park with this one!  Giles slept so well and was such a chunk.  This combination makes for the most fun newborn sessions.

We stuck to neutrals when it came time to do the parent portraits.  These are timeless and classic- which generally never go outdated.  Since I specialize in displaying my artwork of your moments in your homes, I do like to get those timeless and classic shots. My goal is for you to be able to display them for years to come. Your portraits should grow with you as your family grows!

That said, I do love adding in those pops of colors to give your session a fun and artistic look to it, which is precisely what happened with that mustard and navy combination.  Great for a little boy and beautiful and fun to look at.

Side note: Giles’ name is special in that it came from relatives who had fought in the Texas revolution. How cool is that?  I love learning about my clients and their most precious, so do not be alarmed when I ask you these types of questions.  Happy Wednesday friends! <3

Check out my website for more!

Houston Child Photographer | Joseph's Second Birthday

Did you open this post and think your web browser took you over to an advertisement for Baby Gap? I’ve been photographing this handsome little model baby since he was in his mommy’s womb, so I have loved watching him grow and develop his sweet personality over the past two years.

A Precious Keepsake

This vibrant shoot took place at the Sugar & Cloth Color Wall and Rainbow Staircase, right on the edge of downtown Houston. Sadly, it no longer exists :( —so these will be historic photos! The cheerful colors reflected Joseph’s joy and attitude perfectly. His silly grins and laughing faces are my favorite...capturing natural images of kids is always my goal! To get him in his element, I let him just explore and have fun. He checked out the staircase and showed his mom all the different colored stripes on the wall while I discreetly snapped away. I never want to over-pose kids because it hides their individuality (which is what most parents want to really highlight).

I pulled out a little stool and miniature wooden ladder as simple props for some up-close (somewhat) still shots. As with all two-year-olds, he was eagerly trying to climb up the ladder before I even had it set up! When he got to the top, he looked over at us triumphantly as if to say, “Did you see that? I did it!” I love that he has his little tongue sticking out as his focuses on his steps.

Joseph, I had a blast capturing this milestone year for you. You are one special guy! Happiest of birthdays!

What an amazing day Joseph and I had together. The opportunity to be his Houston Child Photographer was nothing short of an absolute joy!

Family Urban Session Photographer | The Simpson Family

As a Family Urban Session photographer, one of my greatest joys comes from returning clients who want new pictures as their family grows (either with new members or just with progression of time). I love having the pleasure of seeing how tiny newborns develop into preschoolers full of personality and how big brothers and sisters adapt to their vital roles over the years. As a mother myself, I see a glimpse of my future as I capture families with older children. It reminds me of how quickly time flies and to really soak it all in as it’s happening.

There's A First For Everything

The Simpson family booked me for a baby plan when baby girl #2, Elena, was born in 2017. For her One Year portraits earlier this year, we decided to make it a family + cake smash session. I adore family portraits at this age. I truly think every family should have updated family portraits done when their babies turn one. It's such a huge milestone and fun age—they grow exponentially in those first twelve months!

We did this session in one of my favorite urban locations in Houston, and the creative results are so different but perfect! I really enjoy it when parents have unique artistic styles they want to try out for some out-of-the-box portraits. The abstract urban landscape gives dynamic dimension to the images, but it is also beautifully symbolic of the city where the Simpson’s have established their roots. If they ever relocate, they can look back on these photos to remember the place they first called home.

Gorgeous Baby Portraits Houston | Hazel

Meet baby Hazel. Ruler of my studio who wrapped her parents and Jenna and I around those tiny little fingers. Her little sister and this doll baby are both so photogenic and just so easy.

Because this family is a family of girls (sorry dad) we wanted to style it with all the girlie things. How did I do? ;) We used florals, pinks, rhinestone embellishments, lovies, lace and all. the. snuggles. 

This sweet girl was so sleepy and so easy to photograph, she let me do so many poses. And we were able to document this fleeting time in their lives so beautifully with a variety of set ups and colors.  When clients follow my prep guide for newborn portraits, you can expect to have a session with this much variety! That said,though, it is also important to note that newborn babies also are human! So they do possess their own personality. So some may not like certain poses or positions.  Do not fear, since I am trained and experienced with newborn portraiture, I always have been able to fill up a gallery- even if your baby does not like a certain pose!

This session also highlights a great example of outfit ideas for mom, dad and siblings! We stuck with neutral tops, and a neutral background.This allowed us to bring in some color from big sis and mama on their skirts!  I also recommend doing your hair and makeup (makeup is priority, here) or getting it done.  You may not feel up to it, but you will look back on these images and be grateful you chose to.  These are the very first moments in your baby’s life, so we want to make sure we are jumping in the shots, and feeling our best(with little sleep ha!). 

This just promotes that fun and exciting experience that I am always trying to achieve for each one of my clients.

Questions?  I am here to help! I would love to talk with you!

Camila One Year Photo Session - Houston Warehouse Studio

Happy Wednesday, friends! I am so excited to be sharing this sweet Vintage One Year session with sweet Camila. We went to the Houston Warehouse Studios. This worked well for this sweet family (and me!) because we got to avoid any crazy Houston winter weather.

This is also a great option for any client that may be on a time crunch and cannot really fit reschedules into their scheduling. Rain? No problem! Cold winter days? No problem! And yep, HOT Houston days? No problemo!

This sweet family and I went with a beautiful vintage vibe. We managed to get a ton of Camila by herself along with some family shots- I always recommend doing this for one year sessions. Our children are probably the most important thing in our lives (aside from our sweet spouses), so naturally we want to catch those fleeting moments of them. However, your babies will want pictures of you one day, so please- jump in the frames!

One of my favorite additions to this session was the floral crown and tee-pee that I use. It looked absolutely stunning in front of that exposed brick wall. The natural lighting paired with those natural elements made these images look soft, inviting and aesthetically pleasing.

Be sure to scroll below to view the highlights from this session. And as always- I want to hear from YOU! So if you are looking for a photographer to document your most precious moments in life, be sure to reach out and get in touch!

Houston Family Photographer | Top 4 Outfitters for Family Sessions

One the most common laments I get from clients is, “I can’t seem to find coordinating family outfits for our upcoming session! How can I make this easier?” I’m a mom of three—I get it. Rather than sorting through FIVE closets to scrounge up semi-coordinating outfits, we as moms decide that it would probably be easiest to the just start all over and go buy some fresh new clothes. That being said, as busy moms, making a trip to a men’s store for Dad, the women’s store for mom, and then another trip for the kids just sounds miserable. So, just like Target is the one-stop-shop for home and groceries, these are my top 5 stores for finding clothes for the entire family. I want to make your job a little easier!

My Top 4 Favorite Outfitters for Family Sessions

  1. Gap—Gap has a classic, yet colorful style. They’re my go-to store because you can find one in any city, they have clothes for newborns up to adults. Their clothes are great quality, reasonably priced, and will stay in style until you wear them out! They run true to size, so ordering online is pretty safe. (Plus, they usually have great sales going on—like the current up to 50% off everything online…plus and additional 20% off the total. Can’t beat that!!

  2. Old Navy—Looking for something similar to Gap but on the cheap? Old Navy offers amazing discounts if you’re buying clothes in bulk (like for the family). They also have some trendier, edgier, and funkier clothes than you’ll find at Gap if you’re looking for that. I always get stuck looking at their amazing accessory selection!

  3. H&M—This store is great for mixing up the style. You can even search collections online based on the style you’re going for. For instance, under “Campaigns,” you can see their Denim Style, Guide, Shades of Fall, Masters of Monochrome, and more. Under “Shop by Concept,” you can view party, casual, modern classic, premium quality, or trendy collections. Of course, you can search by product or sales, too. H&M has a HUGE selection, and they make it so easy for customers to pull a specific look together.

  4. Nordstrom Rack—Want a luxury department store collection without hurting your wallet? Check out Nordstrom Rack! They offer a similar leading fashion selection as Nordstrom but at a discounted price. They also provide easy online shopping convenience for everyone from baby to Dad, but I always like to take an afternoon out for this one. ;)


Bonus: So, the kids and Dad have their clothes, but you want to splurge on something extra special and beautiful for the session. These are my personal favorites for Mom:

  • Free People (a specialty bohemian and vintage brand)

  • Zara (a Spanish-founded fast fashion brand)

  • ASOS (British online fashion and cosmetic retailer)

Best Birthday Photographer in Houston | Elena's First Birthday Session

Just look at those sweet pouty little lips! Who couldn't help but fall in love with this sweet girl? I know I sure did! Elena is a part of our Baby Planner program, so I've had the pleasure of seeing her a few times over the past months. Each time I get to see her, I am reminded just how quickly time truly does pass.

An Absolutely Adorable Session

Mom brought along the ride-on-lamb with her, which made for some absolutely adorable shots. Just look at that smile! Can't you hear the sound of her laughter fill the air? My favorite part from the session though had to be when Elena donned her sweet little overalls. Swoon! Do you think they make those in my size?!

As a mama myself, I feel as though I blink once, and an entire year has passed before my very eyes. It's for this reason that I truly adore what I do as a child photographer. I am given the unique gift of providing parents with a snap-shot in time. What an amazing gift it is! As I walk through the halls of my home, I am always reminded of the endless laughter-filled memories and quiet peaceful moments I've shared with my babies.


Looking for the Best Birthday Photographer in Houston? Look no further that Taryn Melgoza Photography, your one stop shop for all things baby and child photography!

Pearland Newborn Photographer | Charlotte

I am absolutely in love with this newborn session. Charlotte came to me at just a few short days old, and boy do I love those squishy baby cheeks! I had a ton of fun with this session, playing with moody tones and various textural elements. She was such a trooper throughout the entire session, hardly making a peep. In other words, a Pearland Newborn Photographer dream client!

A Photographer's Dream

We started our session wrapping little Charlotte in a mauve swaddling blanket, and laying her on layered blankets. Each accented the other perfectly. I wanted to add an additional feminine touch, so we placed a few sprigs of flowers and greenery around her. So adorable!!

One of my favorite shots from this session is of Charlotte surrounded entirely by varying shades of blue. It's definitely her color! I am loving this vintage floral trend I've seen sprout up lately. Crossing my fingers it's here to stay!!

Houston Child Birthday Photographer | Princess Penelope

Tea parties, ruffles, lace, and sweet delicate florals. All things girly, and all things my sweet Penelope loves. This is my very own daughter, we just celebrated her fourth birthday and wanted to commemorate this adorable stage in her life with her very own birthday session. As so many little girls are, she is absolutely obsessed with tea parties and playing dress up. As her mother, what could be better than providing for her the perfect afternoon, filled to the brim with everything she loves. Luckily, I was there every step of the way to capture each joyful grin and silly giggle.

Golden Light and Bright Brown Eyes

We decided to have our session outdoors, taking full advantage of that dreamy dusky light that appears right before sunset. I set up her favorite tea set next to a ruffled tent adorned with natural greenery that accented her floral crown perfectly (provided by Ode to Joy Flowers in Houston). Add in a happy little girl with bright brown eyes, and you have all the makings for a wonderful evening.

Being able to document my own children throughout the years brings me such satisfaction as a mom and child photographer. I can capture their individual personalities, remembering each little quirk that I love so much. As time always does, it shocks me that my baby girl is already 4 years old. Wasn't it just yesterday that I was taking her home from the hospital? I feel as though she went to bed a sleepy infant and woke up as a happy little girl, an absolute ray of sunshine that brightens the day of any who crosses her path.

Happy birthday, Penelope!!


The opportunity to capture my sweet daughter's idea of a perfect evening was such a treat. As a Houston Child Birthday Photographer, I would love to make your vision a reality!

Houston Newborn Portrait Photographer | Baby Michael

Baby Boy Blue

I’m a sucker for the blues—blue hues, that is. Especially striking cobalt against natural, rustic tones. I am obsessed with the color scheme and props that we used for baby Michael’s newborn portraits. We kept it simple yet still creative. Michael looked like the cutest special delivery you’ve ever seen tucked inside a blue pail wrapped in soft blankets and topped with his little baby cap. We also used a tiny vintage doll bed to make him look larger-than-life with a miniature stocking cap and some pants with adorable stitching and great cribs from the Treasure Rooms site online. I really love all the button accents—they were the perfect little motifs to match the cute-as-a-button baby. Michael was such an easy newborn to pose, giving us tons of mischievous smirks, smiles and scrunched-up faces. He woke up briefly in the middle of the shoot to give us a picture of his big, handsome eyes before succumbing to sleep again.

This newborn shoot was extra special since it let me catch up with my friends who are previous clients. It is such an honor to get to watch my clients' families grow! I had the pleasure of photographing Michael’s big sister's newborn session a few years ago, and I was so excited when they asked me to do their next baby’s (Michael) portraits earlier this year! This family is so sweet, beautiful, and easy to work with. And baby Michael has the cutest dimples ever!! He was such a trooper through it all, and I have a feeling he’ll get a kick out of this portraits when he’s older—maybe as his parents show off their cutie at a high school graduation party in 18 years or even at a rehearsal dinner later?!

Houston Family Photographer | Baby A's First Birthday Beach-Side Bash

This family ranks high amongst my favorites! They are Baby Planner clients of mine, so I have had the immense pleasure of capturing their maternity, newborn and one-year photos! Getting to see this family (and families like this) grow in numbers and in love brings me so much satisfaction and happiness as a family photographer.

A Golden-Light Sunset Session

We decided on a secluded beach for our golden-light sunset session together to celebrate their littlest one's first birthday. Happy birthday Baby A! It was the absolute perfect location, with plenty of room to play and explore, but boy was it WINDY! Nonetheless, we were able to get some truly stunning images of this family of five. I love how thoroughly they enjoyed their time together. Baby A has the most striking eyes, that were highlighted by our natural light environment. Although this session was in celebration of A's first birthday, I was sure to capture some images of each child individually. After all, these little ones grow up so fast! How could I resist documenting their growth?!

Initially, we had hopes of getting a few more individual swimsuit images of little bit (speaking of her swimsuit, make sure you sneak a peek!! SO cute!!), but this Texas day was just too chilly! I know... chilly and Texas in a sentence together. Weird right?! The best tool a photographer can have in their arsenal is the ability to go with the flow and be able to think on their feet. Especially one that works with little ones! Plan B turned out to be just an equally gorgeous option, as we decided to snuggle Baby A up in the warmest, softest blanket we could find. The sweet snuggles made for some breathtaking images that I'm sure will be cherished for years to come.

Houston Newborn Photographer | Baby Zoe Wood

This has been an amazing year of returning families!! I always look forward to seeing familiar faces, catching up, and seeing how much the little ones have grown. The opportunity to develop deeper relationships as a Houston Newborn Photographer with these families might have secretly been the reason I started the Baby Plan. It’s working. ;)

Sleeping Beauty

Baby Zoe is a gorgeous baby girl! I had the pleasure of photographing baby #1 (a boy) for the Wood family a few years ago. I loved watching him develop his own little personality over the course of that year, and I am so excited to do the same with his baby sister. Plus, we made sure to include him in Zoe’s shoot, and I can’t believe how quickly he has transformed into such a handsome little boy! I almost didn’t recognize him. Zoe is so blessed to have such a sweet big brother to watch over her. I have no doubt that these two will have a close bond.

Mom loves all things floral and girly, so I made sure to do it up on this precious newborn session! I am obsessed with all of the color combinations and styles we used for this shoot. It was a lot of fun for me to be able to create some different looks so that the Woods have images they can use for just about anything—nursery décor, wall art, announcements, or even a mantelpiece display. I love the soft lavender blanket, rustic moss-covered basket, and pastel florals for the newborn portraits. They added a creative touch without going overboard. For the family portraits, we used a neutral background to really highlight the family as a unit and capture their interactions with each other.

I am so happy for this growing family, and I am thankful that they have chosen me as their photographer to document this special time in their lives. They are not just clients, they are friends. Congratulations Wood Family on baby #2—she is perfect!

Zoe Wood Newborn Photos

Fall Mini Session 2018

Howdy friends!  I am so excited to be offering fall mini sessions again this year!  You may remember I did NOT offer them last year as I had just had my third baby.  I've missed seeing so many of you and hope to see you sometime this  fall!  Here are all the important details and information you need to know about this year's fall mini sessions.




20 minute indoor session

15 high resolution images of your choice


When and where will these sessions take place?

They will take place on Saturday October 13, 2018 at the Houston Warehouse Studios.  There will be 11 time slots available.

What can these sessions be used for?

They may be used for single portraits, couples, or individual families (no extended families please).

What does the studio look like?

The studio is actually a restored warehouse in downtown Houston.  It has tons of character, an exposed brick wall, lots of windows, and various furniture props.  I plan to utilize part of the space for some Christmas themed portraits (think Christmas tree, wreath, TBD) but also plan to have space for some timeless (non-themed) family portraits as well.  All the above images were taken at this studio.

When will my images be ready?

All galleries will be delivered by (or before) November 1st, 2018.

How many images will I receive?

Your gallery will include a minimum of 15 fully edited high resolution digital images from your session. Most of the time I am able to capture more than the minimum, so it is likely you will get to view more than 15 images. You will then have a chance to choose your favorite 15 images via digital download with the option to purchase additional images if you choose to do so.

What if I cannot attend my mini session for an unforeseen reason?

Please note that these mini sessions are nonrefundable, nontransferable, and cannot be rescheduled for any reason. Please be sure you are 100% available for the date and time before registering.

How can I sign up?

Times will open to the public through my store link on Monday August 13th at 6pm.  Be sure to join my newsletter to get first dibs to the link!  In the past, these sessions have sold out in minutes, so be ready to grab your spot!  A completed contract and $200 plus tax deposit is due upon booking and required to hold your time slot. The remaining $200 plus tax balance will be due one week before your session date.

Please send me an email if you have any questions at all to TarynMelgoza@gmail.com.

Join the newsletter HERE!