iPhone Photography For Moms | Course Reviews


I’ve heard it said before that if it doesn’t scare you, it isn’t worth it. And if I’m being honest, creating a course from scratch and launching it out into the world was absolutely terrifying.

But I’m so glad I did. I’ve felt this calling to help make the lives of moms everywhere easier and this is another step towards that.

In this course, moms are learning how to:

  • Find great lighting in any situation

  • Compose a good photo

  • Get an authentic smiles from their kids

  • Get their partners to take photos of them (that they actually like)

  • Edit their photos easily (without using filters that wash them out)

  • And they even get free presets to apply to their images to take them from *yawn* to *wow*!

So the course was created and sent out into the world. But what did people really think about it?

Well, the verdict is in! Moms everywhere are loving the iPhone photography course where I teach moms how to take better photos of their kids!

Don’t believe me? Check out what these moms are saying…

“This course was great! I feel like all moms of littles should have this knowledge in their back pocket. I love how Taryn broke down the course enough to understand but was in depth enough to transform my photos. I now have a different way of approaching photography with my kids and can’t wait to use these techniques in the future.” – Ashley

“The course was easy to follow and I was able to watch at my own pace, between drop off and pick ups at 3 different schools! My favorite thing about the course was being able to go back and reference the techniques/talking points, as I’m a visual learner and seeing/hearing it more than once really sinks in for me.” - Andrea

“Taryn’s cell phone course is really great! As a mom of 4 kids and a photographer myself, I know it can be hard to take good pics of your kids. It covers everything you need to be able to understand how to take a great image. Highly recommend if you want to take your cell phone images up a level!” – Aly

Now it’s YOUR turn!

Are you ready to take a leap and try something new?

Want to find out more info about what all the course entails? Go here:

Ready to get the course for yourself? Go here and let’s get this party started!