Working Remotely When You Have Young Children

Working from home in Pearland, TX, can be challenging if you have young children. When you must make phone calls or attend virtual meetings, your children will probably vie for your attention. It can be impossible to balance a baby on your lap while typing a report. When you work at home with young children, planning your day to make the most of quiet time is essential.

Find a Career Path That Enables Working Remotely

If you liked working at home during the pandemic, consider returning to school and getting a degree in a field with options for remote work. A business degree can open doors in consulting, management, or marketing, three areas where you can excel when working at home. An online business degree program provides flexibility, especially if you enroll in asynchronous classes that don’t require you to be online during specific hours.

Schedule Around Your Child's Routines

Consider beginning your workday early while your baby or toddler is asleep. After they wake up, you can feed them and attend to their needs. Set up toys in an area of your office for a toddler to play with, with the security of knowing you're nearby. 

Schedule quality time with your child during the day. Have lunch with your little one. If they typically take an early afternoon nap, use nap time to complete work tasks. If you're caught up on work, try resting while your child naps.

Most babies and toddlers, when awake, require close supervision. Develop a backup plan with trusted people who can care for your child when you have must-do tasks.

Get Help From Family and Friends

When your work involves online meetings where interruptions can cause issues with clients or colleagues, consider arranging with family and friends to help. They can care for your children in your home while you attend your meeting. If your spouse or partner works from home, consider working mini shifts, where one supervises the children while the other works on tasks that require full engagement.

Consider a Part-time Child Care Program

You may need a childcare program. Some daycare centers in Pearland, TX may offer part-time or half-day programs. You can enroll a child in a part-time care setting if you need quiet work time several days a week. Your child will probably enjoy the company of other children while you get your work done. 

Get Organized if You Plan to Freelance

If you do contract work, getting organized is the key to success. It's easy to get so busy working that you have little time for billing. When you don’t invoice your clients, you don’t get paid. Make it easy for yourself by using premadetemplates. The best invoice template is one you can personalize with your information, logo, or brand colors. You'll convey professionalism, get paid, and have more time to address other issues.

Working at Home With Young Children Is Possible

Surveys indicate that most parents who started working from home during the pandemic want to continue. Changing careers can help you find a flexible work-from-home opportunity.

Working remotely can also help you put your family first and spend more time making memories with your children during their formative years.

Taryn Melgoza can capture those memories for lifetime enjoyment.

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