Tips for Creating a Safe, Comfortable, and Beautiful Nursery


Having a baby? Congratulations! This is one of the most exciting times of your life. But it’s also one that requires the most planning, and when you’re planning their bedroom, the details matter. Presented to you courtesy of Taryn Melgoza Photography, here’s a quick rundown of ways to make your nursery safe and secure without sacrificing style or comfort.


Start With a Blank Slate


For the safest and most attractive nursery, start with a completely empty room. First, clean everything. Follow this up by painting your baby’s room in your color of choice, making sure to avoid extremely bright and bold colors that might make it difficult to sleep.


Next, inspect the room for safety and comfort. Are lamps and cords out of reach? Are there any cracks in the walls or windows, or outlets that need some attention? Get in touch with a professional handyman service to address any problems you find (making sure you check their ratings, reviews, and prices beforehand, of course).


A few other important tasks to take care of in your baby’s nursery are to install guards on the outlets and secure HVAC vents to the floor. This can help avoid electrocution and cut fingers.


The Bare Necessities


When your goals include both safety and aesthetics, a minimalist mindset is key. While there are some items you really should not do without, there are many others that have no place in your baby’s nursery. According to Overstock, a crib, bedding, changing table, dresser, and rocking chair are among the most important items for a nursery. However, what you do not need are things like a low-hanging crib mobile, a Bumbo seat, a bouncer, or a walker. Each of these items is unnecessary, expensive, and potentially dangerous.


Saving on Style


A nursery can be costly but you can easily save money without sacrificing safety or style. If you have already begun with a minimalist mindset, you're a step ahead. A few tips to shave your baby budget include:


●      Make a budget. Make a list of exactly what you need and how much you’re willing to spend on each item. Rank each in order of importance and only splurge on the top necessities. Register for more expensive items, such as the crib and baby monitor.

●      Use personalized artwork. Photos of stuffed animals, your baby's clothes, and maternity pictures look at home in any nursery.

●      Repurpose furniture you already have. While you’ll need to buy the crib new, you can use an old dresser or other accents. (Pro tip: Secure all furniture to the wall.)

●      Organize everything. The more organized you are, the less chance you run into of having to re-purchase items you already have. Plus, keeping things organized and clutter-free can work wonders on your stress and anxiety.

●      Outside the box. If space is an issue, it may be wise for a small remodel or to build an addition to accommodate a nursery. Connect with a local contractor to get an estimate. This may be an instance where you need to remortgage your home, so calculate costs to determine whether this is the best option.


Your baby’s nursery should grow with them. Starting with a blank slate and putting thought into what you are going to put into the nursery will ensure that you stay within your budget and buy only those items that enhance your little one’s health and safety. When you’re not 100-percent sure what, exactly, your nursery needs, don’t be shy about asking other mothers. There are plenty of online groups and websites that can walk you through the process.


Taryn Melgoza Photography has been doing this for over a decade now, creating beautiful, timeless portraits of your new babies and families while keeping the whole experience easy and fun. Reach out today to get started!

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