Posts tagged Houston Photography
Celebrating Motherhood - A Love Letter to My Children

I have had the blessing and honor of being a mother for 11 years. I can say confidently that this “job” has been the most amazing and rewarding experience of my life. It has come to define me as a person and is my primary motivator for all decisions that I make in life. It is in this role that I have learned to develop patience, to sacrifice my own personal desires, and to uncover the most incredible form of unconditional love.

Houston Motherhood Photographer Near Me

To my first born, Jensen. You made me a mother over a decade ago. Your arrival truly rocked our world, in all the best ways possible. Learning to adapt to all the responsibilities of caring for an infant was overwhelming, but we figured it out and thrived during that first year! You are an incredible little dude and I’m so proud of the man you are growing into! Your love for your family and siblings makes my heart sore. I adore watching you succeed in all your endeavors, from baseball, to violin, and I will always be your biggest cheerleader! I pray you will continue to grow in your love and relationship with Christ and become the man God created you to be.


To my miracle baby girl, Penelope. I still remember crying in shock and excitement when we found out you were going to be a girl at our gender reveal! Your pregnancy didn’t go as planned and during that scary and uncertain time, I learned to rely on my faith in God. His plan for your life was bigger and better than I could have ever imagined! You are beautiful inside and out, and I’m thankful to have you as my best friend. You are friends with everyone, one of the most naturally talented artists I’ve ever seen, a skilled soccer player, and are quickly becoming an amazing pianist! I thank the Lord every day for your complete healing and the amazing lady you are becoming. I pray for your heart to become a servant of Christ and that you will know and love Him throughout your days.

To my last baby, Ledger. You will always be my baby, no matter what! We waited to find out your gender until the moment of your birth…to hear “it’s a boy” was truly the best surprise of my life! You have been my most particular baby (and child) refusing to take a bottle or a pacifier for your first year of life. Because of this, you never left my side and I’m thankful for the bond we have. You are insanely competitive (3rd child syndrome), intelligent beyond your years, a budding pianist, and very talented and obsessive baseball player! You made me laugh every day with your witty sense of humor. I pray daily for your heart to be a committed follower of Jesus and that you will trust and walk in His ways.


I cannot express in words how much I love all of you. You are the lights of my life and the greatest gift that God has given me. Every day, I thank God for blessing me with three amazing children who have brought the most fulfilling and immense joy to my life.

You are each unique and special in your own way, and I am so honored to have a front-row seat to the people you are growing up to be! No matter where life takes us, I will always be there for you, supporting you, cheering you on, and loving you with all my heart.

Thank you for making me a mother. You are my greatest achievement, my reason for being, and my forever love.

With all my love,


I am passionate about Motherhood and capturing the journey of joy for my fellow Houston mothers. If you are interested in learning more about my Houston Family and Motherhood portrait services, please send us a note today so we can reach out and chat!

Thank you to Brandi Ali for our family photos that are shared in this blog post!