Meet our new baby, Luna Bear (also known as the Lunatic)

We’ve been living in quarantine for what feels like a year, even though it’s only been a little over 5 weeks now. And, while most of the time, we are enjoying the slower days and home school life, we sure do miss seeing our friends, sports, and our daily routines. Since we’ve been spending so much time at home lately, and my last baby (Ledger, 2.5 years) no longer lets me snuggle with him, I started to get the crazy idea to get a new puppy. And believe it or not, my husband was actually on board with the idea! So now we are crazy dog people who have 3 dogs. Let’s do some simple math…. 3 children + 3 dogs, + 1 turtle = a little crazy but lots of FUN around here! We decided on a blue heeler puppy because our first fur-baby is also a heeler and she has been the absolute best dog EVER! She is now 16.5 years old and still trucking along, even if she’s deaf, very arthritic, and losing her sight. We also have a sweet lab mix named Greta who is 7 years old. The big kids and I drove 3 hours one way about two weeks ago to pick up Luna in Dawson, TX, and it was such a fun experience for them! It also got us out of the house for a while, which was nice. She’s super cute (some may think she looks like a raccoon or opossum, but we think she’s precious) and has a FUN personality to go along with her cute face…we just love her so much! She also has her wild puppy moments where she nips at our ankles and talks back when I tell her to stop. Oh, the joys of puppy-life! I took her to the studio 2 days after we brought her home to take her “newborn” photos when she was almost 11 weeks old. I was sweating bullets by the time we finished because she made me WORK. I am so happy with the way they turned out and grateful that she finally went to sleep to allow me to capture some sweet sleeping puppy photos too.

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