Houston Child Photographer | Four Ways to Keep Kids Engaged Throughout a Session

Four Ways to Keep Kids Engaged Throughout a Session

As a mom myself and Houston Child Photographer, I know that a kiddos attention can last so long. Read on to learn how to keep your little ones engaged! Family sessions are some of my favorite sessions, because it gives me the opportunity to capture such sweet moments between parents and their children. I love kids, but I realize that getting pictures taken can often be a stressful experience for the families I work with. As a mom, I totally understand the questions and thoughts that go through parents’ minds: “What if my child starts running around like a crazy monkey?” “What if they won’t stop crying?” And once the session starts, “Oh my gosh, what do I do with these kiddos?!” I get it. It’s hard. However, I encourage you to relax, take a few deep breaths, and follow these 4 tips to keep your kids engaged throughout a session:
1. Bribery - Yes, I said that right. Bribing your kiddos with small toys or snacks is a great way to encourage positive behavior. Because of my teaching background, I know that positive reinforcement is a good tactic to help keep your kiddos engaged. My favorites are candy and money. Every time your kiddo follows directions the first time you ask them, give them a sour patch kid. Or better yet, give them a quarter!
2. Relax - It’s easy for us to get stressed and get angry at our kiddos. However, try your best to relax and be care-free. This is my top most rule during a family session. This is the only hour that I will let them be themselves completely (as long as it is safe).
3. Give Breaks - Your kiddos need breaks. Let them shake it out. Let them run it out. Their attention spans are shorter than an adults, so to set unrealistic expectations just isn't fair!
4. Be Fun - Bring something that you all will enjoy to do together. This will help me get candid pictures, and help them to not feel like they have to act/be a certain way for the entire session.